Friday, December 27, 2019

The hidden costs of working from home you forget about

The hidden costs of working from home you forget aboutThe hidden costs of working from home you forget aboutEvery day when I leave my apartment, I turn my thermostat down, congratulating myself on saving money for the next ten hours or so Ill be away from my apartment, working and commuting.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Engineering Behind Brain Research

The Engineering Behind Brain Research The Engineering Behind Brain Research The Engineering Behind Brain ResearchMuch about the human brain remains a mystery. The effort to solve that mystery unites engineers with biologists, psychologists, and researchers from many other disciplines. While that interdisciplinary work takes many forms, mora and more engineers are bringing mathematical models, algorithms, and technological expertise to the studies.The brain is a computing device, just not like anything weve built before, said James DiCarlo, a professor of neuroscience at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. We have to build and describe things in engineering terms to really understand it. Not just the phenomenology of the brain, but to understand these interactions in ways you can see.Implanted electrodes deliver a small amount of electrical current to a specific parte of the brain that is overactive in people with depression. Image Michael Konomos / Emory UniversityPhenomenolog y is the study of consciousness, how and why we think and what we think about. Its the stuff of philosophers. Engineers have a different role in the science of the brainunderstanding and interpreting the signals it sends, such as those used to move a muscle.A useful analogy is that of the brain as a complex information processor, DiCarlo said. We can try to build things in engineering terms, and describe it in engineering terms that will help us understand it, not just measure it.Editors Choice Innovations in Biomaterials Create New Roles for EngineersIf researchers understand how neurons in the brain affect function, they may be able to stimulate the brain or use some other methods to help people with neurological disorders that affect motor control such as paralysis or Parkinsons disease.Engineers in larger numbers are joining other scientists in brain research. Iowa State University, for example, recently unveiled its Big Data Brain Initiative. It combines faculty from the colleg es of engineering, human science, veterinary medicine, and design, who will work together on brain research.Theres also the five-year-old Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative, a public-private research program started by the Obama administration. The goal is to create technologies that researchers can use to form a picture of the brain that depicts how individual cells and complex neural circuits interact.In the absence of that overall picture, researchers strive to understand big issues, such as signals that initiate and control movement. Its easy to move a muscle, but understanding and measuring the brain-signals involved is an entirely different matter.ASME TechCastHear MITs Evelyn Wangon the Future of Mechanical Engineering EducationScientists can now record the electrical activity the nervous system uses to control complex skills, said Samuel Sober, an associate professor of biology at Emory University, who studies the brain and nervo us system. Whats missing is the technology to precisely record the electrical signals of the muscles that ultimately control that movement.The signals of the brain and the muscle signals work together to move the muscle, so understanding the role of the muscle is vital to understanding how the brain controls its movement. To investigate the relationship between them, researchers in Sobers lab studied the singing behavior of Bengalese finches.Lots of studies look at brain activity and how it relates to behaviors, but muscles are what translates the brains output into behavior, Sober said. We wanted to understand the physics and biomechanics of what a songbirds muscles are doing while singing.The researchers used an electromyography (EMG) machine to measure how the neural activity of the bird activates a vocal muscle to produce a particular sound. An EMG measures the electrical activity of muscle during rest, slight contraction and forceful contraction.More on Inspiration from Nature How Elephants Use Their Tails to Chase Away MosquitoesResearchers in the Emory lab created a 16-electrode prototype device for this purpose, but knew they would need to expand on it to get a fuller picture into how neural signals control muscle movement, Sober says. Still, their prototype device returned some interesting findings.In experiments using our prototype, we discovered that, just like in brain cells, precise spike timing patterns in muscle cells are critical for controlling behavior, in this case, breathing, Sober said.To create a more elaborate device, Emory researchers turned to engineering expertise. They recently teamed with engineers at Georgia Tech to create a device that can record electrical action potentials or spikes within the songbirds vocal muscles.The device will record populations of spikes from all of the muscles involved in controlling a complex behavior, said Muhannad Bakir, a professor in Georgia Techs School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.The de vice will give researchers access to the neural signals that control muscles, helping them investigate how the brain controls the body, Sober said.Bakirs team plans to create a micro-scale EMG sensor array, containing more than 1,000 electrodes, to record single-cellular data across many muscles.A complete understanding of how the brain operates on the cellular level may still be well in the future, but engineers are helping researchers take the steps needed to get there.Jean Thilmany is a freelance writer in St. Paul who frequently writes about engineering topics.Read More Exclusive Content from Using the Eyes of Killer Shrimp to Design a New Camera Artificial and 3D-Printed Skin Advances for Robots, Humans Tiny Gyroscope Aims to Improve Wearable, Nano TechnologyWhats missing is the technology to precisely record the electrical signals of the muscles that ultimately control movement. Samuel Sober, Emory Universit

Friday, December 13, 2019

Resignation Letter for Transfer Within the Same Company

Resignation Letter for Transfer Within the Same CompanyResignation Letter for Transfer Within the Same CompanyEven if youre moving from one stelle to another within the same company, as an employee, you have certain obligations to your employers. While policies might differ from organization to organization, handing in a resignation letter for transfer within the same company shows the level of professionalism, courtesy, and integrity that you want to exude.Reasons for a Resignation Letter for Transfer Within the Same CompanyWhenever you leave a position whether its to go elsewhere or to move within the organization you want to do it gracefully. You want to ensure all parties understand your intent and see your desire to make the transition as seamless as possible. This puts you in the best possible light as an employee, leaving the door open for even greater opportunities within the organization down the line.What You Need to DoBefore word hits the grapevine, tell your immediate s upervisor about your new opportunity. If the supervisor recommended you for the position, you should have already sent them a thank-you. But hearing the good news personally will mean a lot to them. Let the supervisor know how your experiences with the department made this move possible.The resignation letter for transfer within the same company should contain details like the date of departure, what will happen with pending projects, and the contact number at the new position. Also include a statement of appreciation to current management and colleagues for all their support.When writing a resignation letter for transfer within the same company, follow all the tenets of both business writing and resignation letters. Even though you may be familiar with all parties involved, keep it professional, simple, and polite. Stay away from any type of negative statement. Proofread it carefully for grammar and typos.Get the resignation letter out as soon as possible, at least within two days of the conversation with your supervisor. The decision to resign from any job can be emotional and disruptive, even within the same company. The responsible employee will use any recourse available, including the resignation letter for transfer within the same company, to minimize befhigung stress and encourage prospects of a better future and continued success for everyone.If youre considering changing jobs, take advantage of all the resources LiveCareer has to offer, like Resume Builder, a high-end resume creator that produces documents which promise to impress hiring managers. Related Articles Resignation Letter from Fulltime to PRNResignation Letters All You Need to RememberResponsibilities of the Back Office Executive

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Medical Assistant Resume Objective - What Is It?

Medical Assistant Resume Objective - What Is It? A health assistants most important responsibility is to offer patients with clinical and administrative aid. The very first senior medical assistant resume sample indicates the proper skills. Well, there are a number of soft and difficult skills worth including in your health care assistant resume. Its true you dont require a medical assistant program to find work. Many businesses find websites very hard and specialized tasks to be accomplished. Be certain to include any certifications youve got. Specialized tasks like familiarity with the operation of particular medical equipment may confer an extra advantage. If youre looking for Medical Assistant Resume Objective Samples youve come to the perfect location. Medical assistant is a significant portion of the medical fraternity. Virtual Assistants can at times be a little too presumptuous in regards to. The Basics of Medical Assistant Resume Objective There is a broad select ion of basic resume examples here and one will be proper for purpose. Knowing the abilities you will need to finish your duties is an amazing first step towards turning into a knowledgeable and knowledgeable medical assistant. Knowing the fundamental steps of writing a good resume does not signify you have to write alone. Remember that while enrolling in Certified Nursing Assistant classes on the internet can go quite a way toward your CNA license, some sections of your training has to be carried out in person. For the company, cover letter for medical assistant position will be applied as the very first tool if they picked the prospect for more review. The medical assistant job is competitive and thus you are in need of a good resume to enhance your odds of receiving an interview and nailing the job. Medical assistants have to be active listeners as a way to understand and accurately record patient problems and specifications. Tailor your healthcare assistant resume skills by highlighting abilities the specific job posting is searching for. Although resume objectives are getting more obsolete in favor of career summaries, in some specific conditions, it is logical to incorporate an objective. An objective is essential for several factors. Which is precisely why having a crystal clear objective is so essential for you as well as your prospective employer. Writing a resume objective has developed into developing a summary statement. As a medical assistant you would need to administrative along with clinical support in a healthcare setting. Moreover, in the event the hiring managers want to get experienced data clerk entry with a specific software program, mention that in your healthcare assistant resume, trying to be as specific as possible. As stated by the U. Medical assistants free a significant part of the health care industry as they provide essential support within healthcare facilities. As a medical assistant, youd be part of the health care team. Instead, tailor your objective specifically for the particular health-care business and job position youre applying for. Be sure you proof read before making the last copy. If you are supposed to shift from 1 industry to another or from 1 job specification to another job position, then your resume objective has to be flexible, especially if youre going to be considered for an entry-level position by the company in which you have applied. Medical assistants have to be well organized and equipped to multitask to cope with the quite a few responsibilities they face daily, including ordering laboratory tests, filing patient charts, scheduling appointments and contacting insurance businesses. You must sustain a liaison with the physicians, insurance businesses and other parties. A Startling Fact about Medical Assistant Resume Objective Uncovered The typical needs of the externship may change and depend upon the students attend. Help you apart from different professions incorp orate a health assistant. Hunting for fresh choices is among the fun events. however, it can as well be annoyed when we couldnt get the expected ideas. Top crafting a resume objective, you require objective think about more than that which you want from a job.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why Hard Work Isn#8217;t Enough to Succeed

Why Hard Work Isn8217t Enough to Succeed One of the most common messages I received as a child was, Work hard, and you will be rewarded. This sentiment was echoed by loved ones, teachers, and mentors. Theres a good chance you, too, heard the same rumor about life being ritterlich and equitable.Dont get me wrong Hard work is a critical component of success. However, the fact isthat theres more to it than just hard work. This can be a tough lesson to learn, especially for young professionals.Even the BestWorkers Dont Always Get RewardedIts not uncommon for a newly minted graduate to work harder than their colleagues do. They may even be smarter and contribute more new ideas. In some cases, they also save the company more money or generate more in sales.On the surface, it seems obvious Im smarter. I work longer hours. I produce more revenue. I should be paid more. Right?Not necessarily. At least, not yet.After working for one to two years at a job,manyyo ung professionals begin to feelfrustrated. They have proven themselves. Theyve worked long hours.And theyve figured out just how much more their lazy coworker makes than they do.So, the young graduatedoes what seems natural They ask their boss for a raise. Theyre shocked to learn that its not in the cards for them at least, not in the way they were hoping. Sadly, companies generally only give 2-4percent raises annually. This is oftenthe case even if youre a great employee. Your future pay ata company is almost always based on your current pay.Companies also want to ensure that employees have room to grow each year. If you receive the top pay available today, how will they incentivize you over the next five years? (Thats their reasoning, anyway.)Perception Counts Just as Much as RealityOften, your value is tied as much toperception as it is toreality. You may work hard at your desk for hours on end, but if no one knows about it, they wont know your true value. This perceived form of value is created through building relationships with your boss, upper management, and your colleagues.Your value may also be tied to how rare your skills are. How difficult is it to replace you? How many people are available who can also do the same work? The more unique your skills are, the better. If those unique skills also generate a lot ofrevenue for the company, youre even more likely to be perceived as irreplaceable.Just remember Putting in your dues is where its at. Keep in mind the valuable experience youre gaining. When you were in college, you would have gladly worked for free.After youve put in your time and are ready to move up, consider moving on. Even the best employees are lucky to receive small raises. An external move can sometimes increase your overall pay by more than 30 percent at one time.And when you do receive your next offer, use your negotiation skills to get the best start possible.A version of this article originally appeared onThe Memphis Daily News.An gela Copeland is a career coach and CEO at her firm, Copeland Coaching.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

5 Ways to Build a Standout Employer Brand on a Budget

5 Ways to Build a Standout Employer Brand on a Budget5 Ways to Build a Standout Employer Brand on a BudgetEvery talent acquisition manager wants to build a great employer brand. Its a powerful tool for recruiting the best candidates for your open positions, and it can save significant costs over time by reducing your time-to-hire and retention rate.Unfortunately, budget and personnel restrictions often push employer branding to the backseat. Not every talent acquisition manager has the resources to contract out or bring in a team to build their employer brand, making it difficult to follow through on the great ideas you might come across online.Never fear. The Internet is making it easier than ever to organize an approach to branding that doesnt blow your budget for the whole year. Here are a few low-cost and free strategies you can implement over the coming months to build your employer brand on a budget.Revamp your careers page with efficiency in mindThe first stop for every potent ial candidate is the official landing page for your companys recruiting efforts. Work with your in-house website development team to execute updates and ideas that will take as little coding as possible.For example, using infographics to convey information often takes less manpower than coding images and content into a page in tandem. Recording a company video that communicates your companys value proposition and what youre looking for in a candidate might be even more low cost. Then review this article to identify ways you can help your companys personality jump off the page.Write captivating job descriptionsIn a world of hyper-communication, words matter more than ever. That counts for your careers page, and it extends to your job descriptions. Review each job description to make sure that you are describing your company and the candidate as accurately as possible. Make changes accordingly. Then take this process a step further by updating your job description review process and i nviting managers and other stakeholders to review position descriptions and provide feedback. If your managers are completely booked, connect with an established freelance writer or career specialist for a one-time consultation.Curate your companys website with an interviewers eyesNext, move on to your companys main website. Take in the content, images, photos and videos that a prospective candidate might see. Then make a list of changes that might better suit the candidates you are trying to recruit.For example, the company photos you include on your website speak volumes. Are they posed or not? Casual or suit and tie? Full of off-site events or professional meetings? How you choose to display the employees who already work for your company will send a clear message to prospective candidates about whether or not they can see themselves working for you. Use Pinterest to sort through different kinds of professional headshots to find a style that represents your company.Step off of yo ur URL After updating your careers page and company website, step off of your company URL to proactively brand your company out in the web. Review your company social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn with the eyes of a job seeker. Note colors, sentiments and updates that could be taken out of context by a prospective candidate, as well as missed opportunities for connecting with job seekers. Consider tasking some of your social media team members to be on the lookout for particularly active social media followers in certain industries you never know when a brand fan might translate into a perfect new hire.Train interviewers in basic PROnce a candidate makes it past your careers page, company page and candidate screening process, you finally get the opportunity to conduct an interview. An important part of the employer branding process is to make sure that youre prepared for this moment and that you can represent your company professionally and accurately.To make sure you and your team give the most realistic (and consistent) impression possible, implement interviewer training that proactively addresses employer branding issues that might come up. This will allow you to anticipate surprises before they pop up, including good and bad online reviews and the most consistent elevator speech for the company possible.For more tips on building a desirable employer brand, read this Simply Hired article. Then use this Simply Hired article to identify the most effective metrics you can use to track the ROI of your employer brand over time.Looking for a more comprehensive approach? Download our Employer Brand ebook today

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Get an Overview of Publishing and Book Marketing

Get an Overview of Publishing and Book MarketingGet an Overview of Publishing and Book MarketingBook absatzwirtschaft creates awareness for a specific book among booksellers and consumers. The goal of absatzwirtschaft, of course, is to generate book abverkauf. What Is Book Marketing? In general, the function of a book marketing department in a traditional publishing house is to help the various sales departments get your book in front of bookstore buyers, book distributors and other channels, to make sure your book is available and (ideally) displayed and promoted through them to the consumer public. Book marketers also generally oversee online consumer aufsteigen (in some houses this falls to the werbung department). In a traditional publishing house, each book is assigned a marketing manager or marketing director. This marketer is working on dozens of titles at any one time. For self-publishedbooks,some or all of the traditional book marketing functions may be made available fr om a self-publishing service or from other book publishing consultants (at a cost). But however youre coming around to being an author, understanding the traditional functions of book marketing will help you navigate the publication of your book Book Marketing Strategy Early in a publishing season (or, even as early as shortly after the author submits his or her authors questionnaire), the marketer gets involved to help determine the potential readers for an individual book, the size of the market for the book, and strategy for how best to reach the readers who might be interested in the book. Based on the strategy, the marketer creates a tactical marketing plan (which includes some or all of items 2 - 6 below). As many elements of the marketing plan such as special advance sales materials, point-of-sale displays, advertising, etc. cost money, the marketing plan is done in the context of the estimated marketing budget for the book. For major book acquisitions that require large investments on the part of the publisher, the book marketing department is sometimes brought in to strategize even before the book is acquired and, as a rule of thumb, the more the publisher has paid to acquire the book, the greater the marketing budget. Book Sales Materials Development and Book Sales Support Before the book is published, the book marketing department works with the promotion department to develop the standard sales tools for each book, such as their description within the seasonal catalog of the publishers list. The sales departments use these to present the book to booksellers, wholesale distributors, gift stores, libraries, etc. This support also extends to any book presence at industry trade shows, such as BookExpo America or the fall trade shows held by the regional independent bookseller organizations. Point-of-Sale Promotional Material Development The book marketing department is responsible for managing the design and creation of in-store signage, bo okmarks, and other materials that promote the books to the consumer at the store level. Note that, with the rise of the online book sales channels, these expensive-to-print point-of-sale items are less prevalent.(Note that at national account bricks-and-mortar store chains, such as Barnes Noble, the point of sale promotionsfor example, a books presence on a seasonal table displayare determined by the account, not the publishers marketing department, and are paid for out of the accounts cooperative advertising funds, usually referred to as co-op.) Social Media Blogger Campaign Development In some publishing houses,outreach to book bloggers and other related bloggers falls to the marketing department in other houses, bloggers are considered part of the media and sending them information about the books being published falls to the publicity department. While some social media campaigns might be developed in-house (for big-budget books), social media often falls to the author as p art of platform development. Advertising While print advertising has waned, it still exists in vehicles likeThe New York Times Book Review online ads are more common. The marketing department and a books marketing budget determine if, where and when a book will be advertised. (Again, advertising that is done on behalf of the book but tied to a specific account has likely been paid for out of co-op.) Sponsorships and Cross Promotion Companies whose products dovetail with the audience for books are sometimes tapped to help cross-promote books. For example, a food company might cross-promote a cookbook prize or giveaway on their website.Sponsorships and cross-promotional efforts also involve other departments (special sales, publicity if a book tour is involved).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

These 7 Student Resume Samples Can Help You Get a Better Summer Job

These 7 Student Resume Samples Can Help You Get a Better Summer JobThese 7 Student Resume Samples Can Help You Get a Better Summer JobLanding a good job right after college can often turn into a real struggle.Youve got zero skills and no relevant experience to talk about. But thats exactly what the summers - besides lots of other things - are good for. To snatch yourself a cool summer job, earn a little pocket money and get some solid hands-on experience. Naturally, the first step you need to do is write a convincing resume and cover letter and send in your application as soon as possible. Here are 7 great samples from our Resume Examples Library that will help you get started right away.1. Philips absatzwirtschaft Management Intern Resume ExampleFresh graduates may lack skills but have a chance to make up for it by showing determination and true passion.If you want to write a good internship resume, use a variety of adjectives to describe yourself as a motivated and enthusiastic i ndividual.Build your resume on your strengths, bedrngnis weaknesses. Focus on your soft skills, education and include the list of certifications and awards that youve earned so far.2. Google Software Engineer Intern Resume ExampleWhen talking about interns without any previous work experience, top companies like Google hire exceptionally gifted young professionals that know their value and know how to sell it to them.So if you dont want your summer job hunt come to naught, focus on your professional portfolio. Describe your academic and personal projects - they illuminate the real accomplishments and the real work that youve done so far.3. Refugee Volunteer Resume ExampleVoluntary jobs belong to your resume. They indicate that building healthy relationships with your community and environment is your priority. Whether its service for the poor in your neighborhood or humanitarian work for an NGO, these activities will show youve developed a much broader vision of your life and work. If youd like to learn more about the person with such a spectacular life, read the story behind the resume. Its totally worth it.4. Volvo Mechanical Engineer Resume SampleThis one takes a bit more relaxed approach to the descriptions in individual sections of the resume. Its a perfect example of how to create brief stories on a short amount of space to engage the reader.Unarguably, it works here much better than bullet points and provides better insight into situations the job seeker was facing. Just trace the verbs to see how quickly the story unfoldsOur team got challenged by NASA to design a solution for the Jet Set Mars Challenge a mobility solution for first operations on Mars. We designed an exoskeleton with a jetpack and HUD for mobility, and proposed a method for obtaining fuel on-site. We reached Top 25 Global Prize and Top 5 in Best Use of Hardware among 1,287 projects.All in all, dont think you need to keep your resume dry and impersonal just because its a common practice . If you have a story to tell that youre able to fit in your resume, do so to add a bit of personal touch to your resume.5. Marketing Intern Resume SampleIf youre lacking vocabulary that would suit your resume, just take a sneak peek at our databases of action verbs and powerful adjectives.Its the very best tool to talk about your job responsibilities and accomplishments without sounding overly repetitive or way too boring. Heres what the following resume offers in the Work experience section conducted, worked, participated, supported and grew. Profile summary doesnt fall short of varied vocabulary, either. Adjectives like creative, motivated, extensive, strong, extraordinary, forward-moving describe the personality of the job seeker in bright colors.6. Pharmacy Intern Resume SampleNot much to say on your resume? One column layout will do. Too much information to include? Opt for two columns. The will result in less white space on the right side of the page and much better readabili ty. After all, the appearance of your resume matters, too - the more youll reflect peoples reading patterns in the layout, the better it will perform.Also, try to fit everything on one page. Multi-page resumes are rare and should only be used by seasoned professionals applying for senior positions that require many years of experience in the given field.7. Psychology Intern Resume ExampleDont undermine the potential of your Skills section, it can do wonders when written properly. Both interpersonal and professional skills are necessary for the recruiters to gauge your personality traits and level of expertise. spielblttchen a handful of the most relevant skills for the job youre applying for and try to assess them. Stick to reality and be true to yourself. Nonetheless, remember not to use less than four stars out of five. Realising theres space for improvement is cool, but uncovering your weaknesses is not sexy - unless youre using them to describe the path that led you to success .Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

3 Ways to Be a Better LGBTQ Ally at Work - The Muse

3 Ways to Be a Better LGBTQ Ally at Work - The Muse 3 Ways to Be a Better LGBTQ Ally at Work Whether you’re actively involved in activism in your free time or just attend annual pride parades, you totally support the LGBTQ community and everyone you know in it. But how can you show that support in the office? Try to change HR policies? Keep a rainbow flag at your desk? Start a breakroom conversation with, “Hey, I know you’re gay and I totally support that!” (Please don’t do the last one.) Here’s the deal. I’ve seen a lot in my seven years of being out at work, and I’ve found that one of the biggest ways people can help is to actively create more inclusive spaces for their colleagues. In other words? Make sure that every conversation, team, and workplace relationship you’re part of allows us LGBTQ-identifying folks to come to work and feel as though we’re not going to feel awkward or be left out for simply being ourselves. Here are a few ways you, as an already amazing ally, can make that happen. 1. Be Affirming This doesn’t mean you need to go around every day patting your LGBTQ co-workers on the back and saying, “You’re great just the way you are!” (In fact, I’m advising against that.) Instead, start with the simplest way to affirm someone’s identity: listening. When someone is confiding in you, listen! When someone vents to you about challenges they have as an LGBTQ person, listen! When someone is questioning their sexuality or gender identity, listen! You may be tempted to ask them to dissect the situation or share an opinion- but don’t. This is not the right time or place. Someone is trusting you with a serious and important part of their identity. For example, when I told a friend of mine that I was transgender, he responded, “I think sex-changes are strange,”- which made me completely shut down. This would have been the perfect instance for him to just be there for me, or even use it as an educational moment. (I would have much preferred, “Wow, I can’t imagine what it would be like to identify as transgender.”) And what about your colleagues who you aren’t close with? Another simple way to be affirming is to contribute to conversations just like you would with your straight, cisgender counterparts. Maybe when you ask your gay co-worker about his weekend, he replies, “I surprised my husband for his birthday!” Instead of ignoring it or feeling awkward, just say, “Awesome! What did you do? Was he surprised?” The opposite reactions have happened to me a few times. My straight counterparts all look at each other when I bring up going to a drag show over the weekend or going on a date with a woman. There’s a weird silence when no one knows how to address what I just said. Some easy responses that would’ve felt affirming: “How was the show?” or “Did you like her? Was she nice?” It’s so simple, and yet can really make all the difference in how comfortable LGBTQ people feel in your work environment. 2. Stand Up for Us It’s doubtful that you’ll always have at least one LGBTQ-identified person around to keep you and your colleagues accountable, and even if you do, it can feel hard for them to stand up for themselves in situations where they’re outnumbered. That’s why we need you, our esteemed colleague and friend, to help keep the space inclusive for us- whether we’re in the room or not. You’d be surprised how much impact a straight or cisgender person can have in creating a better environment. For a simple example, let’s say you’re hanging out with co-workers at a happy hour and one of them says, “Dude, don’t be so gay.” This is your opportunity to say something like, “Actually, how I act or what I say doesn’t define my sexual orientation and, most importantly, being gay isn’t an insult,” or “Hey, that’s not cool. Don’t use gay in a negative way.” Or maybe you have a colleague who uses gender-neutral pronouns (i.e., using ze/zie/hir or they/them/theirs instead of he/him/his or she/her/hers). If you overhear someone using the incorrect pronoun, use the opportunity to gently correct them. It can be as simple as reiterating the sentence; if your teammate says, “She sent me the PDF last Monday,” you can simply state, “Oh, they sent you the PDF last Monday?” It’ll help make the workplace better for your LGBTQ colleague going forward and provide a good example for others to follow next time you slip up or someone else does (because no one’s perfect!). 3. Be Empathetic and Accountable Finally, support your LGBTQ colleagues simply by being your authentic self, even if that authentic self isn’t perfect. We don’t expect you to have majored in LGBTQ Studies or know what LGBTQQIAAP means, but we do expect you to be respectful (after all, we are still at work) and show us that while you might not be an expert, you still care. With a topic this sensitive, assumptions can be really toxic- on both ends! A statement like, “Wow, I don’t get trans people,” might have me assume that you don’t know or care to learn, when you really meant that you genuinely don’t know about transgender people and what they might go through in their day-to-day. Instead of getting into a scenario where you might accidently say something offensive, own up to the fact that there’s room for improvement. It might be confusing for you in this moment, but remember that this is our every moment, so try to be understanding to your colleagues in whatever they might be going through. Better yet, admit and understand where you might lack some information, and then educate yourself. You’d be surprised how many free educational resources and supportive blogs there are to check out. There are more ways to be a better ally than attending pride parades and waving rainbow flags (but hey, don’t stop that either). With these three steps, you can make your LGBTQ peers feel more welcome at work.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

5 must do moves for choosing a wealth management firm

5 must do moves for choosing a wealth management firm 5 must do moves for choosing a wealth management firm If your portfolio is too large for you to handle on your own, it may be time to call in a professional. Wealth managers work with their clients to identify financial goals and map out a plan for achieving them that’s built around choosing solid  investments that’ll grow over time. If you’re ready to build serious wealth, here are some tips to help you choose the right wealth management firm.1. Get a Feel for Their Ideal ClientIn general, wealth management firms cater to investors who have a sizable asset base but they don’t all take the same approach. Some  wealth managers  may prefer to work with clients who have between $50,000 and $500,000 in assets while others might exclusively target millionaires.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!Asking a wealth manager about the kinds of clients the company works with can give you a sense of where their expertise lies and wheth er that coincides with what you’re looking for.2. Compare What They’re SellingIf you’re on the hunt for a wealth manager, you may already have a clear idea of what you need them to help you with. If that’s not the case, it’s important to consider what kinds of products and services different firms offer. Does your wealth manager only offer investment advice or does the firm also assist with things like taxes or estate planning? Some firms may specialize in certain types of investments or strategies.  For instance,  LaSalle Investment Management  focuses exclusively on real estate investments.It’s also a good idea to pay close attention to the firm’s overall investment strategy to make sure it aligns with your goals. If you’re  considering several different firms and they’re all offering the same cookie-cutter portfolio options, that’s a sign that you  may need to look elsewhere.3. Check out the PricingWealth managers can help you increase your wealth but they don ’t work for free. There are two basic ways that wealth managers get paid: by charging commissions on the products they sell or assigning fees to specific services. If you’re not interested in being bombarded by a sales pitch every time you meet with your wealth manager, a fee-only advisor may be your best bet.When it comes to cost, the most important thing to consider is the amount of value you’ll get for what you pay. If you’re spending a large percentage of your earnings on fees, it’s a good idea to be sure that your portfolio’s performance is worth the added expense.4. Ask About Their AvailabilityWhile you probably don’t need to speak to your wealth manager on a daily basis, you might need to be in touch with them regularly. Asking how often they meet with their clients and how they prefer to communicate is important to ensure that you’re both on the same page. If you have concerns about a particular investment or a question about a fee, you don’t want to be lef t in the dark.5. Take a Look at Their Track RecordWealth management firms can have millions or even billions of dollars in assets under management, but that alone isn’t an indicator of how well they serve their clients. If you’ve zeroed in on a handful of firms, consider their past history. For instance, has the firm received any special recognition or awards? Can you  find positive reviews through the Better Business Bureau or another consumer site?Digging into a firm’s background may take a little time but it can be worth the time and extra effort if you’re on a mission to  build wealth in your 20s  and 30s or before you reach retirement age.The Bottom LineWorking with a wealth manager is all about forming a relationship with someone who has a  fiduciary duty  to you and cares about your money as much as you do. Choosing the wrong person for the job has the potential to be disastrous, not only for you but for the next generation if you’re planning to pass wealth on to yo ur heirs. Using our tips as a framework can make it easier to find a firm that’ll have your best interests in mind.Our  matching tool  can help you find a seasoned expert to manage your wealth. It’s easy to use and only takes a few minutes. All you have to do is  answer a few questions  about your financial portfolio and the tool sorts through thousands of advisors to find up to three that match your goals. Then you can check out their profiles, interview them on the phone or in person and choose who to trust with your assets.This article first appeared on Smart Asset.  You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The apps these 15 entrepreneurs cant live without

The apps these 15 entrepreneurs can't live without The apps these 15 entrepreneurs can't live without Though an entrepreneur may prefer wearing one hat over another, founding your own company and becoming not only your own boss but perhaps, the manager of many - requires most successful business owners to work major overtime. While before they went solo they had a siloed role, the title of ‘CEO’ often throws many more demands into their wheelhouse, some of which, perhaps they aren’t as skilled to execute. And all of those stakes and deadlines raise their expected output … quickly. Blame it on competition, pressure from investors, those big ideas that miraculously come at the witching hour, but to ensure every facet of their hectic life is run as smoothly as possible, many rely on their smartphone to organize it all.And while, sure some of these apps directly impact their bottom line, sales goals or deliverables, others become their moment of zen, fitness or social connection, helping them to alleviate some of the stress of their 24/7-lives. Every trailblazer takes the digita l concept of productivity differently, but all have certain apps they’d never go a morning or evening without clicking on. And no, sorry, for most, it isn’t scrolling through Instagram day-in and day-out.If you’re considering starting your own gig, going freelance full-time or merely need an extra push to complete the last quarter of the year, test the effectiveness of these entrepreneur-recommended apps:New York Times Crossword“I’m a crossword fanatic so I’m addicted to the NY Times Crossword app. The puzzles come out online the night before so I always have to finish it before bed. I love keeping track of my streaks and seeing how fast I can complete the puzzles.” - Lara Crystal, co-founder of Minibar Delivery.WhatsApp“Having friends and family scattered throughout the world, and traveling a lot for AUrate, WhatsApp allows me to stay connected and never feel far away. Thanks to our various Whatsapp groups we all know what’s going on, can share videos and voice m essages easily and just feel like a tight community, regardless of where in the world we all may be.” - Bouchra Ezzahraoui, co-founder of AUrate.Google Keep“This has quietly become the best note-taking app out there with great collaboration, tagging, and customization capabilities. The fact that you can add anything you highlight in Chrome to a note in one click has saved me tons of time. It allows me to seamless sync between browser and mobile makes it easy to catch up on task lists even when offline on the subway or in-flight.” - Mike Lackman, CEO of Trade.Spotify“I love having the soundtrack of life with me at all times- on planes, cars, at home, while out for a run, cranking in the office. Music is life. I create playlists to help manage work and creativity. My ‘Glenn Gould’ helps me get completely lost in new ideas- for products, for team activities, for potential partnerships, you name it. My ‘Memories of Youth’ playlist reminds me how much time has passed, a nd what I’ve learned along the way. It also reminds me of how quickly time really moves, and that tends to light a fire under my butt to get things done and to not settle. My ‘Rowing Tunes’ list is high-energy, and it keeps my heart racing just enough to keep up with my head. Music soothes the beast of complacency for me- it drives me, inspires me, focuses me all the time.” - Craig Dubitsky, founder of Hello Products.Capito“Truly, it’s the Google Calendar app because I manage work, personal, co-parenting, and school schedules there. But a close second is Captio. This app takes your notes and immediately sends them to your inbox. Since I use my email as a running task list, I’ll use Captio to jot down notes in meetings and then keep them as unread emails until I’ve completed all follow-up.” - Nicole Centeno, founder CEO of Splendid Spoon.Cardiogram“Working in such a fast-paced environment means it’s not always easy for me to prioritize health and fitness when there are so many other things going on. Cardiogram now does that for me. It’s interesting to see what’s going on with my body, and to understand how much my heart rate can tell me about my overall health.” - Darin Rubell, owner of Drexler’s, Boulton Watt and Forrest Point.Insightly“This app helps me manage all of my connections: meaning current clients, referral partners and leads. I can include notes for conversations that I’ve had, status of the connection and next steps, which then connects back to my task manager in Insightly so I don’t miss that next step. I use this to track certain client successes, my outreach to past clients and leads, how many referrals my referral partners have given me, and more, so I’m managing all of my connections efficiently and effectively. I could go on and on! You can incorporate process templates into the task manager, you can export reports to help you manage your business better. Huge benefits and efficiencies.” - Lisa Re hurek, founder CEO of The RFP Success Company.Asana“This is an essential tool when you work in the gig economy with multiple team members all over the world. It does the job of one assistant or project manager because it allows you to set up jobs with main tasks and subtasks, which means that your team members can work independently without you having to check on them every step of the way. You as the boss, can monitor what the status of each project is, and easily identify where it’s stalling and who’s doing what, and if it is on time.” - Beate Chelette, CEO of Chelette Enterprises and The Growth Architect.And.Co“This free invoicing software helps me to easily handle all payments for my company. As a new business owner, it allows me to send my clients a user-friendly, efficient invoice, keep track of who has and hasn’t paid me and more, all with one app. They also have great, free resources for general freelance contracts that you can send to your clients to make sure you are fully covered on all sides. This is the one app that not only helps me pay my bills, but boosts my confidence in myself and my business, every time I use it.” - Jess Tatham, founder of DevelopHer Designs.Zoom“In a mobile world, we need to coordinate seamlessly with co-workers and partners. Meetings are important and Zoom allows for that capability, whether it’s video conferencing or teleconferencing. There are multiple options to join a call and it doesn’t matter where you are in the world at the time of a call â€" you always have a way to access the call.” - Emrah Gultekin, CEO of Chooch.Headspace“I start each day with meditation to clear my mind, and always utilize the Headspace app. This- coupled with fresh air and movement - helps me to daydream, take in my surroundings and think of new creative ideas. Working in the jewelry industry, creativity is at the core of our business, making this app a vital part of my day.”- Beth Gerstein, CEO and co-founder of Brilliant Earth.Evernote“Between balancing family life and two businesses, it can be super challenging to stay on top of all the little details in life. This app really gives you the freedom to take notes in the form of audio notes, sketches, video, web clippings etc. Evernote has a feature that lets you use your camera and scan business cards, paper documents, handwritten notes and more, so you never have to worry about losing that piece of paper. I can sync my devices so that if I start a note on my laptop but have to rush out of the house, I can finish right back where I was on my phone. All notes and lists are searchable to find what you’re looking for quickly and the app can be locked with a passcode. You also have the capability to share notes with others and if you use Google Docs, you can embed them to your notes!” - Lorena Garcia, founder of Bloguettes and MAJKA.Voice Memos“Whenever I have a meeting with one or more clients or prospects, I ask permission to reco rd the audio of our meeting, and I explain why. I tell them that not only would I rather focus my attention on what they are telling me- so I don’t need to write it down- but it also helps me better understand what they are saying. When I’m listening, I’m also thinking about how to respond, and how to move the discussion in the right direction.” - Marty Schultz, technology innovator.Moment“Moment helps you monitor how much time you are spending on your devices and can force you to put down your phone or iPad once you’ve hit your predetermined limit for the day. I have to be honest, I’ve created a fitness brand centered around taking a break from tech and even I struggle with being on my phone more than I’d like. It’s amazing how quickly that time adds up! Also, one of my favorite features of Moment is that you can link your family’s devices and track their device use from the app. As a mom of two, this is so helpful for me. I’m a big believer in empowering my girls to learn to make the right decisions for themselves, but having the ability to help them know when it’s time to put the iPad down has been super valuable for my family. You can even set blackout times where your kids can’t access their device; say ‘hello’ to more tech-free dinners!” - Dionne Del Carlo, co-founder of StarCycle.Soundcloud“I’m a musician and a DJ in my spare time so finding unique versions of songs is like a hobby for me. Soundcloud gives me that capability to discover new artists and music. Also, when I’m working out, I like to listen to DJ sets as the continuous beat gives me a more constant pace, and Soundcloud has a unique DJ community where all of the stars post their sets from all around the world. It is also a great app because I’m not being interrupted with commercials every few songs like other apps.” - Manuela Seve, CEO of Alpha’a.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Happiness hack One ritual that made me much happier

Happiness hack One ritual that made me much happier Happiness hack One ritual that made me much happier When my wife and I moved to New York City in 2001, recently graduated from college and newly wed, we were eager to find friends. We knew nearly no one but were sure we’d soon find a fun-loving group like the 20- and 30-something New Yorkers who spontaneously dropped in on one another on TV shows like  Seinfeld  and  Friends.We hatched a plan. After moving into our Midtown Manhattan apartment, we invited all the neighbors over for drinks by placing Kinko’s-printed quarter-sheets into everyone’s mailboxes. Then, we waited for our versions of Chandler, Kramer, and Elaine to show up. But they didn’t. In fact, no one did. As the ice in the cooler melted and the guacamole browned, not a single person among 100 apartments stopped by. Not. One. Person.Recalling that episode now, we sound embarrassingly naïve. We didn’t realize friendships in the real world worked nothing like the ones we had forged in our dormitories, let alone those we saw on television. Yet as it turns out, our desire to belong to a tight community was far from foolish.Recent studies have shown a dearth of social interaction with people you care about and who care about you not only leads to loneliness, but is also linked to a range of harmful physical effects. In other words: A lack of close friendships may be hazardous to your health.Dying for friendsA 2010  meta-analysis  reviewed 148 studies involving over 300,000 participants and concluded that having weak social ties was as harmful to health as being an alcoholic and twice as harmful as obesity. Julianne Holt-Lunstad, co-author of the analysis, told Reuters, “A lack of social relationships was equivalent to smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day.”A more recent study, published in the  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found a biological response to loneliness that triggers disease. According to the researchers, social isolation sets off a cellular chain reaction that increases inflammation and suppresses the body’s im mune response.Perhaps the most compelling evidence that friendships affect longevity comes from the ongoing  Harvard Study of Adult Development. Since 1938, researchers have been following 724 men, tracking their physical health as well as social habits. Robert Waldinger, the study’s current director, said in his recent  TED Talk, “The clearest message that we get from this 75-year study is this: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Period.” Socially disconnected people are, according to Waldinger, “less happy, their health declines earlier in midlife, their brain functioning declines sooner, and they live shorter lives than people who are not lonely.”Lest we think having 500 Facebook friends might offer some protection, Waldinger warns, “It’s not just the number of friends you have … it’s the quality of your close relationships that matters.”So what makes for a quality friendship? William Rawlins, a professor of interpersonal communications at Ohio University who studies the way people interact over the course of their lives,  told The Atlantic  that satisfying friendships need three things: “Somebody to talk to, someone to depend on, and someone to enjoy.”Finding someone to talk to, depend on, and enjoy comes naturally when we’re young. In college, for example, we build strong bonds when nearly everyone around us is also searching for connection. But as we grow into adulthood, the model for how to maintain our friendships isn’t clear. We graduate and go our separate ways, pursuing careers and starting lives miles apart from our best friends.Suddenly work obligations and ambitions trump buddies and brewskis. It becomes impossible to be spontaneous without planning for weeks, if not months, in advance. Once children enter the picture, exhilarating nights on the town become exhausted nights on the couch.Friendships starve to deathUnfortunately, the less time we invest in people, the easier it is to make do without them, until one day it becomes too awkward to reconnect. “Since we haven’t spoken for so long,” we think, “where would we even begin? If we were still close friends wouldn’t we have spoken more by now?”This is how friendships die - they starve to death. But as the research reveals, by allowing those friendships to starve, we’re also malnourishing our bodies.Case in point: Several months ago, I found myself in a funk. I now live in San Francisco and whenever someone asked, “How are you?” my reply was the standard Silicon Valley yuppie salute: “Good! Super busy!” Yet this wasn’t exactly true. I wasn’t good.To put things in perspective, I wasn’t bad, either. Things were fine. By all measures, more than fine - I had a healthy family, a growing business, and interesting clients to work with. I’d recently published  a book  that became a Wall Street Journal best seller, and if my social media stats were to be believed, I had plenty of friends and followers.And ye t, the funk. I soon identified the problem: The more professional opportunities came my way, the more time I spent away from my real-life friends - the people I truly cared about. Maintaining friendships with people to talk to, depend on, and enjoy takes time.As an undergraduate, I first heard the term “residual benefactor” in an economics class. A residual benefactor is the chump who gets whatever is left over when a company is liquidated - typically, not much. When we’re not careful, the people we care about often become residual benefactors: We leave them for last, giving them whatever bits of time are left over after we’ve attended to everything else.The Solution, the kibbutzIf the food of friendship is time together, how do we make the time to ensure we’re all fed? My friends and I have recently come across a way to keep each other close. It fits into our lifestyles despite busy schedules and a surfeit of children. We call it the “kibbutz.”In Hebrew, the word me ans “gathering,” and for our gathering, four couples meet every two weeks to talk about one question - sort of like an interactive TED Talk over a picnic lunch. The question might range from a deep inquiry, like “What’s one thing your parents taught you that you want to pass on to your children?” to a lighter, more practical question, like “How do you disconnect from your iPhone on weekends?”Having a topic helps in two ways. For one, it gets us past the small talk of sports and weather, and helps us open up about stuff that actually matters. Second, it prevents the gender split that happens when couples convene in groups - men in one corner, women in another. The question of the day gets us all talking together.Consistency and stiff-arming the kidsEvery other week, rain or shine, the kibbutz is on our calendars - consistency is key. There’s no back-and-forth emailing to find a time. We always meet at the same place, and each couple brings their own food so there†™s no prep or cleanup. If one couple can’t make it, no biggie, the others carry on the conversation.What about the kids? In our group, kids are welcome, but they don’t run the show. Typically they play on their own, but if they interject, they’re given a stern response that sounds something like: “I’m having a conversation with my friends because my friends are important to me. You’re welcome to listen or join the conversation, but please don’t interrupt unless it’s an emergency.”For our children’s sake, we want them to know that adult friendships matter. We don’t want them to have to rely on TV to figure out how adults interact. By watching us, our children see that being a good friend means listening when others have something to share, and not being distracted by anything else - including our cellphones, the football game, or even our own children (unless someone is bleeding).The entire affair lasts about two hours, and I always leave the kibbutz with new i deas and insights. Most important, I feel closer to my friends. No, our group isn’t as funny or spontaneous as the pseudo-New Yorkers I grew up watching on TV. But it turns out that fun wasn’t what I was missing - it was authentic, caring friendships. Making time to invest in my most important relationships finally snapped me out of my funk and provided the psychological nourishment I didn’t know I was missing.Not only that, it turns out the time I spend with my friends is also an investment in my future health. Forget diets and the latest workout routines. The best medicine may be to gather your favorite people around a table and make a toast: “To friendship, and your health.”Here’s the gist: Studies show adult friendships have a significant impact on our happiness and well-being. Committing to my “kibbutz” has had the biggest impact on my happiness over the past year.  Here’s how our group works, but the lessons can apply to any adult friendship: Book the time â€" Reserve time on your calendar for the foreseeable future so there’s no guesswork or scheduling headaches about when you’ll see each other again. Our group meets every two weeks. Go deep â€" Talking about a meaningful topic strengthens your bonds. Get past the shallow small talk. In our group, a different member brings the question of the day to each meeting. Don’t let kids derail you â€" Children benefit from seeing you model a healthy adult friendship. Tell the kids they can listen or participate, but they can’t interrupt unless it’s an emergency. Nir Eyal is the author of  Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products  and blogs about the psychology of products at For more insights on using psychology to change behavior,  join my free newsletter.  This article first appeared at Nir and Far.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Top 28 destinations for 2019 (Part 1) Newsworthy destinations

Top 28 destinations for 2019 (Part 1) Newsworthy destinations Top 28 destinations for 2019 (Part 1) Newsworthy destinations We just announced our picks for the most intriguing destinations for 2019. This year, we dove a little deeper and looked at unique destinations with intriguing sites and experiences. The list is divided into four segments including domestic and international destinations and offers something for every travel style. You’ll find the complete list  here.First, our focus is on seven newsworthy destinations: The Caribbean, Egypt, Saskatoon, Germany, Southwest England, Atlanta and Vis, Croatia. Here’s why they’re our top picks for 2019.The CaribbeanAfter a year of devastating hurricanes in 2017, the Caribbean islands are back in business and ready to welcome travelers. The Caribbean encompasses one million square miles, so many of the islands like St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Aruba, Jamaica, and Grand Cayman escaped the wrath of the storms. But for those that didn’t, the welcome mats are out, and your tourism dollars will help as they continue to rebuild.Hurricane Maria delivere d a big punch to Puerto Rico, but in San Juan, there’s very little sign of Maria’s damage. Resorts are open, the bars of Old San Juan are serving up spirits to the late-night crowds and the sunsets never left. Also, the team from the New York City restaurant, Serafina, has opened the 96-room Serafina Beach Hotel.If you want to contribute beyond the dollars you spend on rum cocktails, consider voluntourism. Para La Naturaleza will connect you with unique experiences that let you see the country while helping with recovery efforts. Join the PLN guides on a nighttime hike to the island’s northernmost region to document the population of the native endangered crested toad. Or embrace your inner archeologist with a field dig excavating pre-Taíno artifacts in partnership with the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture.EgyptWith its unparalleled cultural and archaeological heritage, Egypt has been attracting visitors for millennia and now it’s back on the map as a safe destination. Fro m Giza’s monumental pyramids to Luxor’s colossal Valley of the Kings and the incomparable river Nile, this country is generous with its riches. The party continues after dark with non-stop nightlife in Cairo.For an excellent overview of Egypt’s treasures, join one of the many river cruise expeditions along the Nile. Journey from Cairo to Giza to gaze upon the ancient Pyramids and the iconic Sphinx. It’s an enchanting land with wonders old and new and filled with marvels and myths.Saskatoon, CanadaWhen it comes to arts and culture, Saskatoon is happening. The city recently celebrated the opening of Canada’s newest contemporary art museum. The Remai Modern houses works by renowned Canadian and international artists as well as the largest collection of Picasso linocuts, and it aspires to be a world-class attraction that draws tourists to this urban center of Saskatchewan.Winding through the city center, the majestic South Saskatchewan River forms the Meewasin Valley. Along th e riverbank, the Meewasin Trail is dotted with leafy trees as it extends more than 37 miles from downtown paths to forests and, further north, to Mendel Island where you’ll find an abundance of wildlife. You could easily spend a day walking, cycling and picnicking along the trails.GermanyFrom the bucolic Black Forest with its many traditions to the traditionally different state of Bavaria where castles rise against the backdrop of soaring mountains and pristine lakes- there’s much to see in Germany. In 2019, there’s even more happening and much to celebrate. Numerous cultural and art events are planned throughout the year and November is the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall marking the reunification of Germany. For a more active remembrance, join 100 Miles of Berlin for a run along the Wall Trail- the former patrol path of the GDR border troops in a large circle around western Berlin.Next year is also the 100th anniversary of Bauhaus with centenary programs plan ned throughout the country. The Bauhaus Opening Festival kicks off the nationwide celebration in Berlin with concerts, installations, puppet and street theatre, dance and film, workshops and lecture demonstrations, games and festivities.Southwest EnglandEngland’s Southwest Peninsula consists of Devon, Cornwall, Somerset and Dorset, each county unique in character. The region includes two stunning coastlines with 650 miles of coastal paths to explore, four world heritage sites, and numerous areas of outstanding natural beauty.Rich in folklore, including the legend of King Arthur and Glastonbury Tor, and many other traditions and customs, Southwest England is an off the beaten path place of discoveries. Along the spectacular Jurassic Coast, rocks record 185 million years of the Earth’s history. Stretching from west to east along the coast, iconic towns and stunning natural sites share the story of this spectacular and unique World Heritage Site.Atlanta, GeorgiaRecently, Atlanta wa s ranked as one of the top cities in the USA for recreation. The designation is partially due to the Georgia Aquarium- the largest in the Western Hemisphere. There are also 300 green spaces, the Fox Theatre, Coca-Cola World and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights.Hollywood has taken notice of Georgia’s capital city too. Box office blockbusters like Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War and Ant-Man and the Wasp were all filmed in Atlanta. And where the movies go, new restaurants and hotels follow.Vis, CroatiaThe Greek island of Skopelos played the fictional island of Kalokairi in the original Mamma Mia, but this time around for Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, the tiny yet stunningly beautiful island of Vis in Croatia took the stage. Having been a Yugoslavian military base until 1989, Vis was relatively isolated until recently. A 2 ½ hour ferry ride from the mainland, this 35-square-mile island is dotted with 17th-century Venetian architecture and rocky beaches and is surro unded by the bluest of waters.Explore the foodie scene in Vis like a local with a meal in a local household. Located in the Vis interior, family households scattered throughout the rich fertile fields and partially settled villages open their doors to guests for a home-cooked meal.Traditionally prepared meats, fish, vegetables, goulash, and grilled sardines are a few of the culinary gems offered. Wash it all down with homemade brandy or wine while getting to know your hosts.More to come …Next, we’ll share more about the destinations we’ve chosen for the Diving Deeper category so keep a lookout.This article first appeared on

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Why Employers Offer Variable Pay to Retain Employees

Why Employers Offer Variable Pay to Retain Employees Why Employers Offer Variable Pay to Retain Employees Variable pay is employee compensation that changes as compared to the employee salary which is paid in equal, and expected, proportions throughout the year. Variable pay is used generally to recognize and reward employee contribution toward company productivity, profitability, teamwork, safety, quality, or some other metric deemed important by senior leaders. The employee who is awarded variable compensation has gone above and beyond his or her job description to contribute to the organizations success. Variable pay is awarded in a variety of formats including profit sharing, bonuses, holiday bonus, deferred compensation, cash, and goods and services such as a company-paid trip or a Thanksgiving turkey. Why Employers Must Offer Employees Variable Pay and Benefits Variable pay is an expected employee benefit if you are going to excite and retain employees. They want the opportunity to earn  variable compensation to bolster their basic salary. And, todays employees are also looking for more than just a basic salary and benefits package when they decide to come on board and work for an employer. It is no longer enough for a company- even a global company- to offer the same generic benefits to every person they hire. Employees now expect comprehensive benefits packages that are tailored to their own personal needs- not just to broadly defined demographic needs. However, personalizing benefits packages starts with employers truly understanding what their employees  most value and need. In other words, benefits are only as valuable as each employee views them. As such, the greater the flexibility and  variety of the benefits program, the more likely all of your employees are to feel appreciated. Employer Costs in Pay and Variable Pay According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (ECEC), a product of the National Compensation Survey, measures employer costs for wages, salaries, and employee benefits for nonfarm private and state and local government workers. Supplemental pay benefit costs for private sector employees in December 2016 averaged $1.15 per hour worked or 3.5 percent of total compensation. Supplemental pay includes employer costs for employee overtime and premium pay, shift differentials, and nonproduction bonuses. In December 2016, the largest component of supplemental pay costs for private industry employers were nonproduction bonuses, averaging 83 cents per hour worked or 2.5 percent of total compensation. Nonproduction bonuses are given at the discretion of the employer and are not tied to a production formula. Common nonproduction bonuses include end-of-year and holiday bonuses, referral bonuses, and cash profit sharing.   A Critical Step Is Explaining Employee Variable Benefits Employers must present both the intrinsic and extrinsic value of the benefits they offer in an easy-to-read and understandable format to employees. Conveying benefits packages in layman’s terms is not an easy task. Efficiently relaying this information is a time-consuming- but critical- task. From health insurance to retirement plans to variable compensation, one company may offer many types of benefits for employees. Some of these benefits can confuse employees. (Most everyone has wondered how much to contribute to a 401(k) or what is a reasonable deductible.) Make sure your system gives employees access to a resource to ask questions in real-time about which plan makes the most sense for them or their families. Employers should also offer an explanation as to why they offer certain benefits upfront. For example, a younger employee may not see the point in life insurance and view it as a wasted benefit. But if the employer provides information on how many employees are near retirement and place great value on having life insurance, those younger employees will likely be more receptive. All employees see the benefit of variable compensation, but employers need to be very clear about how an employee can earn it, how much they are paying, and who is eligible to receive it. If the employer communicates particular goals, levels of productivity required, or quality standards to achieve, for example, it is critical that every employee who achieves the goal receive the rewards. In the same vein, it makes sense for employers to openly share information about the cost of benefits. Benefits are costly, especially if a company provides a wide range of unique benefits, but most employees don’t realize this. Your average employee has no idea about the percentage his compensation is increased by the value of his benefits. If an employer is clear about how much the company is investing to make its employees happier and healthier, those employees will have more appreciation for the benefits offered. Ask Questions, Make Changes One of the most difficult challenges for HR departments- especially as they start to add new and unique benefits- is having an open line of communication with employees. Explaining benefits well is only half the battle. Companies should also consistently survey their employees  (quarterly is recommended)    to understand their benefits satisfaction. If a company realizes that a particular benefit isn’t working or isn’t valuable to employees, they should announce the benefits changes they will make to address the dissatisfaction. Employees will see that the company cares about their feedback. Bottom Line: Flexibility Engagement A Happier Work Environment It is impossible to develop one single benefits solution that will take care of every employee, especially if you consider the diversity of locations, family, health, financial, and travel needs. Employees do, however, need to understand the value of the personalized benefit program that you offer to them to value you as an employer. A modern, cutting-edge rewards experience can help position your employer’s brand as an industry leader. It will allow your employees to understand and enjoy their benefits package and variable pay opportunities to their fullest degree- and you will reap the reward of satisfied employees.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Best Place and Time to Negotiate Salary

The Best Place and Time to Negotiate Salary The Best Place and Time to Negotiate Salary If you̢۪re in the process of applying for a new job, the concept of negotiating your salary can be daunting, and there are a lot of logistics for consider. For example, is it best to bring up salary first before your interviewer does, or is that considered tacky? Where should you bring up the topic? Is a phone call during a job offer OK, or should it be done in person? For starters, realize that it is entirely professional and reasonable to negotiate salary, but there are probably a few things to consider that will ensure you come off in the best possible manner when doing so. The Best Time to Negotiate Salary Do your research. Never bring up a salary negotiation before you̢۪ve done your research. Do you know what other people with similar titles and experience make at your new company or at other companies? Asking for an outlandish number will only make you look unprepared, so be sure to never bring up the subject (or go into a meeting or call where the subject might be brought up by someone else) without doing some digging. Be strategic about when you ask. It̢۪s likely a salary (or at least a salary range) may have been posted with the job description, but even if it was, avoid bringing up the subject until your second round of interviews. If you̢۪ve made it to the second round, that means that you̢۪re on the short list for actually getting the job, which puts you in a better position to get what you want. But don̢۪t wait too long. If you̢۪re not sure a second interview is in your future even if you are up for the job, try not to wait until the job offer comes around to start the negotiating process. It̢۪s best for everyone involved if you both know that your expectations aren̢۪t the same, that way you don̢۪t waste any time. Shoot for a Friday, if you can. According to psychologists, the middle of a Friday morning might actually be the best time to ask for more money. The reason? Anticipation over the upcoming weekend could put your would-be boss in a better mood. Hey, it̢۪s worth a try! The Best Place to Negotiate Salary Negotiate in person, if possible. It̢۪s always best to negotiate your salary face-to-face, when possible. This shows incentive and fortitude on your part, something that your boss may respect and remember when taking your request into consideration. But also put it in writing. Although your negotiations should be done in person, don̢۪t forget to always also get it in writing. Even if it̢۪s just to follow up with an email after your meeting to thank your interviewer again for her time, you̢۪ll want to make sure you have a paper trail of your conversation.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Six Reasons to Take a Job Aptitude Test

Six Reasons to Take a Job Aptitude Test Six Reasons to Take a Job Aptitude Test 1. You are just entering the job market. If you are searching for that perfect career, a career aptitude test can show you the way to make money and have fun at the same time. Before you start a career, it̢۪s a good idea to find out what kind of job you̢۪re best suited to do, so that you don̢۪t waste time and money on training or working at a job you hate. 2. You are unhappy in your current employment. If you̢۪re already have a job but are unhappy, it might be because you are simply working at a job you are not suited for. A job aptitude test can show you what job you might make you happier, and get you back on track. 3. You are starting university classes or considering going back to college. Before you spend thousands of dollars on a college education, you should take a career aptitude test so that you can plan your education around your career. A career test can help you find which classes you should take, as well. 4. You want to make more money. How can a simple job aptitude test help you make more money? By finding out what job best suits your personality and talent, you can find a job that you care about and actually enjoy doing. When you enjoy what you do, you can make more money than struggling to work every day. 5. You want to know how best to get ahead in your chosen career. If you are considering applying for a promotion or moving laterally in your company, taking a career aptitude test can reveal what your strengths are in a working environment. For example, if you learn from your test that you are capable of being a leader, then you can go for that team leader promotion with confidence. 6. You are curious how your personality affects how you work. There̢۪s nothing wrong with wanting to know how your personality can affect how you work with others. A career aptitude test isn̢۪t just about your career- it̢۪s about who you are as a person, and understanding your personality can help in many aspects of your life. Your job aptitude test will also contain a personality test.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Nuiances of Server Resume Duties

The Nuiances of Server Resume Duties It's always a good idea to cultivate a very clear idea of your targets and a realistic comprehension of your skill collection. In the event the objective statement is unclear and non specific then the recruiter is going to have a notion which you are very confused individual unable to manage the pressures which come along with the bartender job. It's rather vital to comprehend the type of resumes preferred by establishment that you wish to work with. As a means to figure out about the truth which you ought to consider, speak to a work policy template. Whether there are any distinctive requirements make certain you include the info in your bartender resume. By agreeing you accept the usage of cookies in accord with our cookie policy. The IHOP server job description has a wide selection of perks including money in your pocket in the type of tips and discounts on food purchases. It's not essential to include your education info, but if you' ve got a current food handler certificate, be certain to mention it. When it is Monday, Wednesday or Friday you ought to offer them of the special dish for this day. If you want to develop into a restaurant server, it's vital you understand that you're part of a far larger team and you have to work nicely with your coworkers if you hope to be successful. The job of a server is among the entry points in the restaurant business but it's the most challenging one. In a fast-paced restaurant, the server might be alternately switching several hats during her or his shift. Being a real food server is not a simple job. In some cases, banquet servers might be required to establish a room or banquet hall for a scheduled event. Choosing Server Resume Duties Is Simple Your final goal is going to be to present high-quality service which will help us maintain and attract customers. Restaurant owners want to learn what service can do to help them and the reason why they should objective objective and not another candidate. You are unable to service service not resume your deficiency of experience. Top quality customer service and amazing food experience has to be consistently delivered while maintaining an affordable operation in a fantastic working atmosphere. Server Resume Duties Help! For example, you might generate a template that's included with a drop-down list. A template can easily spare you plenty of time. Each template features composition, examples and suggestions and that usually means that you don't will need to start from day one when making your resume. Word Resume web templates are filled with the complete outline structure and most of the content that makes method for a robust resume in a matter of only several minutes. Server Resume Duties Preparing vegetables for eggs is important no matter what day it is since guests will often request eggs rather than the other alternatives. If there are lots of guests for breakfast you may choose to make up to three pots of coffee in the very first hour of your shift to get ready for a busy breakfast with a great deal of coffee drinkers. The breads for toast can be put on any absolutely free counter space, the space below the microwave being the absolute most likely. Aside from customer assistance, Servers must likewise be able to relay all food order s to the kitchen in an extremely efficient manner to be sure that each and every food order is processed accordingly. The Lost Secret of Server Resume Duties Resume as a waiter for many years gave me a special opportunity to see the food service wait hospitality industry from several perspectives. If you're employed as a hostess or host at Red Lobster, there are a range of job duties that you need to perform. Composing a good resume is the same as preparing a superior meal. The Truth About Server Resume Duties Planning and making good decisions as you construct your plan of attack really can boost your work search. The quicker you begin building your resume, the faster you are able to land work. If want to get the job, you're likely to need to deliver. It is work that is demanding physically as you need to be constantly moving. Creating a cv allow you to relate very well to as. Word Curriculum vitae layouts are simple to locate or position on the net and can be downloa ded to acquire more use. Utilizing Term, you can produce your unique themes for almost any application, like resumes. Employing a resume template is currently a satisfactory and smart practice for a lot of reasons.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Why Everyone Is Talking About How to List High School on Resume

Why Everyone Is Talking About How to List High School on Resume Career Objectives are excellent for resumes with a particular intent. Since you likely don't have a good deal of Work Experience, you can include your Achievements as a distinct section. On the contrary, it's a great deal more useful if you're able to come up with a few accomplishments associated with every one of your positions, and thereby prove the worth you brought to the business. Education is among a number of essential sections employers search for on resumes. Padding out your resume will not just be a waste of precious space but it is also going to distract the employer from the fantastic pieces. Generally, the high school part of your education ought to be far more sparse than the college portion. For placement on your resume, consider where you're in your career and that which you wish to emphasize. In both of these scenarios, don't list the graduate level. The Ideal Strategy for How to List High School on Resume Resumes are often requested when you're applying for employment or internship. Since they are frequently e-mailed, you want to be sure of how it will look on the employer's computer. Employers normally find a selection of hard abilities, which you'll be able to demonstrate by listing your work experience and qualifications. As a high school student, they will not expect you to become an expert in your job within a week. They can learn all they need to know about a candidate from their school performance, so your Education section needs to reflect well on you. Just consider it your very first step in convincing employers that you've got the qualifications they require. Details of How to List High School on Resume Unfortunately, whenever someone takes this too far in a resume or on LinkedIn, the consequent attention may not possibly be the kind that receives an individual hired. However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. You're able to leave off the remainder of your degrees in that situation, especially if they're in an identical discipline. But there are a couple of aspects that could make things a tiny cl oudy. A Secret Weapon for How to List High School on Resume It is possible to place your education section before or following your experience section. What You need to Do If you don't have any work experience, then you need to stick to the exact format. Professional awards work as a beneficial reference for your ability. The Ultimate How to List High School on Resume Trick Ultimately, the location of the school is a great part of information to get, but it isn't crucial. It isn't comprehensive, so search for others in your past and on the internet. The education section will probably be an essential quality of yourhigh school student resumeso rack your brain for extracurricular pursuits. List your name, contact number, email address, and city at the peak of your resume. As a college instructor who's regularly requested to compose such letters, I can tell you it's much simpler to create a sparkling recommendation once I have a duplicate of the youthful person's resume on hand to help me out. There are 3 excellent reasons to compose a resume in your high school years. You may be a great team player. Everyone has to start somewhere, and should you think beyond the box it's very likely that you truly have lots of experiences and abilities which are already worthy of being on your resume. The How to List High School on Resume Game Possessing the capability to communicate in person is crucial, but having the capability to communicate via technology is an expanding hot commodity in the modern workplace. If you still don't have a lot to work with, you can begin inquiring about opportunities locally that may lead to the sort of experience you will need. In addition, should it's possible to think of any particular manners in which this experience relat es to a prospective job or internship, be certain to state them. Should you have work experience, that's excellent, and you will want to include it here. Just about everyone has some amount of communication abilities. Make sure that the skills are related to the job that you desire. You've got computer abilities. Then you've developed your oral communication abilities.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Fight Against Design Resume

The Fight Against Design Resume There are openings for creative people all over the business spectrum, and a number of them provide rewarding, satisfying creative work, together with a trusted salary, benefits, and some level of financial security! Make sure as you're listing experiences to get started with the latest experience and work back from that point. If you wish to receive a job in a well-known company, do your very best to fulfill their standards and to present yourself accordingly. There are lots of places to get templates for nursing CVs including our on-line service Our service provides nursing CV writing and in addition to help with developing Curriculum Vitae for RNs all around the world. Your true experience shouldn't be continued on the second page. You don't need to have an excellent website, you merely need a passable one (and it should work on mobile). You may easily link to your on-line portfolio to showcase your work. What Needs to be Done About Desi gn Resume Depending on the kind of application process you're addressing, it could be appropriate to include samples of your work in your CV. Every CV we write is original and tailored particularly to fulfill your requirements and requirements in the most efficient means to receive benefits. You would be startled with numerous individuals who submit resumes without any of their contact info. The important thing is to produce the contact information stand out but not in a way that's distracting to the reader. The important thing is designing your resume in line with the simple design building blocks of CRAP. Notice how the font allows for the entire resume to get read with far more fluidity than a conventional professional resume. Absolutely free visual resume template that include cover letter. You may know the goal of each format and pick the appropriate one that is going to highlight your details efficiently. Some web designers also feel like their resume should be fancy and flashy to be able to draw attention. The ideal fashion designers have an incredible taste and a good eye for all of the delicate intricacies. Everybody knows that design is simply half of your work. Design for America is a great means to tell people about your experience utilizing the design thinking process in the actual world. You don't need to generate an entire draft of whatever you intend on saying (in fact that's something that you want to avoid because it will cause you to sound scripted) but it's an excellent idea to have a list of points you wish to highlight and then speak about them in the video. At the close of the day, the entire point of your resume is to have a job. If you have not ever made a video resume before here are a few recommendations to have you started. A video resume is a wonderful technological approach to display your nature and soft skills to employers when you're searching for a job. Hiring for your specific role isn't their principal jo b. Hiring managers and recruiters skim resumes to determine if they wish to interview you and interviewers skim to determine what to speak with you about. Resumes are the same. Resumes that get the job have the ability to quantify effects. You'd better check and begin with a very good internship experience. Don't be afraid to find professional assistance if you're unsatisfied with your resume. Make certain you are dressed for the job you're searching to apply for. In the event the job involves a whole lot of prototyping, for instance, emphasize prototyping on your resume. The Foolproof Design Resume Strategy What's more, you don't even need to devote hours on writing it to allow it to be great. Your on-line portfolio on portals like behance wherever your employer could see your works along with appreciations will offer you an advantage. The very first thing a CV has to do is get the interest of the hiring manager or employer. To wrap up, it's well worth mentioning that CV is really the most important document any man or woman will hold in the approaching years. The website maintains its idealistic and every-green approach to give fresh resume templates that are simple to use. You must select the suitable for mat that will fit your requirements and match the work description. Talk about just what you do to add to the workflow there. You will also want to take into account how your resume will interact to your graphic design portfolio. You will need both people and management abilities and a strong grounding in a minumum of one creative discipline. You'd also discuss your prior work as a portion of team, including your precise part in achieving team targets. Lastly, you're likely to want to list your abilities. Utilize your resume to list the techniques you're aiming to increase your abilities.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Hidden Truth About What Does Cv Mean in Resume

The Hidden Truth About What Does Cv Mean in Resume New Step by Step Roadmap for What Does Cv Mean in Resume Show employers that you're current and produce an excellent first impression by selecting the most suitable template. Make an all-inclusive collection of the info that you'll need to include, and use it in order to compile your CV. Start with creating a list of all your background info, and organize it into categories. See below for a template, together with a thorough breakdown of the info required from US and global CVs. In a nutshell, a CV is an incredibly flexible kind of tool which can help you practically anywhere. Resume formats are useful tools that can be of amazing aid in making resumes. VisualCV If you would like to fit everything on a single page, the space-saver CV is easily the most suitable format to select, particularly for students. The Importance of What Does Cv Mean in Resume In the event the vacancy calls for doctors, then it's far better use an official curriculum vitae template doctor to create tasks less difficult for you. Positive Language and Tone It would be quite obvious to spot which CVs are created only for the interest of creating it. Also, CVs and covering letters ought to be composed in your words. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for What Does Cv Mean in Resume For students that are searching for an internship, obtaining a CV is a prerequisite. Your nursing CV must demonstrate that you've got the abilities and experience required to perform these duties. The ski lls-based CV enables you to center on the skills you have developed in several regions of your life. Picking out the proper CV to highlight your abilities and experiences is very important. Lies You've Been Told About What Does Cv Mean in Resume Thinking up a professionally written CV improves your probability of getting an internship, and this sample is ready to steer you to receive an expert CV. Professionally created Project Manager CV Templates can steer you to compose an ideal CV. Following are a few advantages when using a CV template With these many CV templates create your very best CV now. Building upa CV can prove to be a painful job. Remember your CV has to be well presented, it has to be Neat and Concise. This CV template is perfect for aspiring actors. The CV must highlight skills which match the recruiter's wants and occasionally you may have to use a different CV template to attain this. Tailoring your CV is important and thus the more effort that you put into it the better. Because employers are utilised to it, they are searching for something which makes it different to others. At times flaunting about self is essential particularly when it comes to applying for your fantasy job. Read more about acquiring a teaching job. Read our advice on how best to find an IT job. Should you need further support, get in touch with a valve distributor that will help you get it right. On huge applications where high head pumps are often used, and numerous valves, it will become required to employ a bypass system to try to keep up a constant flow and for that reason delivery pressure. The hydronics system designer i s the most significant person in the practice of acquiring a good performing water system. Write If you're applying for work abroad or a position in an organization is effective on a worldwide degree, you want to demonstrate that you have what it requires to stay informed about their fast paced work environments. Locating a wise CV form on the website is much simpler than, for example, attempting to finish the so-called Europass. When you've reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to know how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes an effective accomplishment statement. You should write about various characteristics of your personality which make you the perfect candidate for the job. In a CV, by way of example, if you're asking for work in education, you may want to place your teaching experience at the very top of your CV. Whether or not you take advantage of a CV or resume, you must thoroughly edit your document. Your CV should make you stick out from the crowd and make certain you get to that stage.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Top Simple Covering Letter for Resume Tips!

Top Simple Covering Letter for Resume Tips! Whatever They Told You About Simple Covering Letter for Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Our cover letter sample and writing tips below can help you write one that is going to get you the job that you've always desired. The introduction has become the most important portion of the expert cover letter, as it's where you're supposed to earn a strong impression that's sufficient to motivate employers to keep on reading the document. To assist you craft the very best cover letter, we're supplying you with a few examples to reassess. A strong cover letter is able to make your application stick out from the crowd. You read the very first paragraph. You can watch the complete cover letter at the next link. You shouldn't use the exact same cover letter to apply for different jobs for example. It's crucial that you customize each cover letter to the job which you're applying. The Simple Covering Letter for Resume Stories When you have proofread the letter, after that you can let another person take a look merely to keep on the safe side. When you comprehend the actual issue, answering it turns into a really great deal more straightforward. Well, the response is yesmost of the moment. Actually, you may discover yourself struggling to come across the most suitable approach to mention relocation on your resume and cover letter. In making more specific covering letter samples, it has to be something that's customized to your specific needs. Researching the companywill help dictate the tone you wish to use, which might differ greatly, based on the place you apply. Unfortunately, there continue to be a good deal of individuals who can read. You're likely to understand how to compose a cover letter email immediately. You may be interested in internship cover letter examples. Less is more when it has to do with your resume and cover letter, especially if you're a mature job seeker. The simplest way to make an amazing cover letter is to use an internet cover letter writer. Simple Covering Letter for Resume for Dummies Bear in mind that it's important to tailor the letter in line with the corporation's mission and the work role you're seeking for. You'll locate a lot of main types of why souschef resume sample monstercom used to create a program to acquire job openings. How to describe college experience to get any job you want. You might be surprised that landing a part-time job may be a difficult as a complete time job. While it might look tedious, you must always customize each letter to fit the particular job for which you're applying. Finding a nice job can be exceedingly difficult no matter your profession with incredibly qualified applicants being your strongest competitors in the industry. The absolute most motivated candidates have a feeling of where they want to be in the upcoming few decades. Maybe you are the very best university student in class however not able to find an esteemed and well-paid job. Simple cover letters are simple to write. A good suggestion is to send the email to someone you understand first to look at your formatting works properly. The layout of your resume ought to be neat, simple and simple to read. It is almost always better to handle correspondence to a name instead of a title. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Simple Covering Letter for Resume Is Wrong Your letter should explain what you can do to help your customer,' not what it is you're sel ling, she explained. You should truly have a coverletter in case the company requests for one. All the other information is put below. Check for grammar and spelling errors and make certain you've included all of the proper contact information near the top of your letter. The Upside to Simple Covering Letter for Resume A covering letter is obligatory for both tourist along with business visas. To start with, you've got to complete an application to your occupation merely by sending a copy of a person's bio-data, in case the biodata becomes short-listed, then you have to experience a succession of tests and interviews. Just make sure that the exceptional format you use is suitable for the business you're applying to and their industry. Reading through our sample student and internship cover letters will provide you with a clearer idea of the way to compose your own. The Argument About Simple Covering Letter for Resume There are lots of tools and resources you are able to ut ilize to help you make the very best cover letter for advancing your career. If you want more help with the writing process, take a look at our final writing guide. Use a vital eye when reviewing the skills you have listed to make certain they're relevant. The important thing is figuring out what transferable abilities and experiences you'll be able to be relevant to your new target profession.