Friday, December 27, 2019

The hidden costs of working from home you forget about

The hidden costs of working from home you forget aboutThe hidden costs of working from home you forget aboutEvery day when I leave my apartment, I turn my thermostat down, congratulating myself on saving money for the next ten hours or so Ill be away from my apartment, working and commuting.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Engineering Behind Brain Research

The Engineering Behind Brain Research The Engineering Behind Brain Research The Engineering Behind Brain ResearchMuch about the human brain remains a mystery. The effort to solve that mystery unites engineers with biologists, psychologists, and researchers from many other disciplines. While that interdisciplinary work takes many forms, mora and more engineers are bringing mathematical models, algorithms, and technological expertise to the studies.The brain is a computing device, just not like anything weve built before, said James DiCarlo, a professor of neuroscience at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. We have to build and describe things in engineering terms to really understand it. Not just the phenomenology of the brain, but to understand these interactions in ways you can see.Implanted electrodes deliver a small amount of electrical current to a specific parte of the brain that is overactive in people with depression. Image Michael Konomos / Emory UniversityPhenomenolog y is the study of consciousness, how and why we think and what we think about. Its the stuff of philosophers. Engineers have a different role in the science of the brainunderstanding and interpreting the signals it sends, such as those used to move a muscle.A useful analogy is that of the brain as a complex information processor, DiCarlo said. We can try to build things in engineering terms, and describe it in engineering terms that will help us understand it, not just measure it.Editors Choice Innovations in Biomaterials Create New Roles for EngineersIf researchers understand how neurons in the brain affect function, they may be able to stimulate the brain or use some other methods to help people with neurological disorders that affect motor control such as paralysis or Parkinsons disease.Engineers in larger numbers are joining other scientists in brain research. Iowa State University, for example, recently unveiled its Big Data Brain Initiative. It combines faculty from the colleg es of engineering, human science, veterinary medicine, and design, who will work together on brain research.Theres also the five-year-old Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative, a public-private research program started by the Obama administration. The goal is to create technologies that researchers can use to form a picture of the brain that depicts how individual cells and complex neural circuits interact.In the absence of that overall picture, researchers strive to understand big issues, such as signals that initiate and control movement. Its easy to move a muscle, but understanding and measuring the brain-signals involved is an entirely different matter.ASME TechCastHear MITs Evelyn Wangon the Future of Mechanical Engineering EducationScientists can now record the electrical activity the nervous system uses to control complex skills, said Samuel Sober, an associate professor of biology at Emory University, who studies the brain and nervo us system. Whats missing is the technology to precisely record the electrical signals of the muscles that ultimately control that movement.The signals of the brain and the muscle signals work together to move the muscle, so understanding the role of the muscle is vital to understanding how the brain controls its movement. To investigate the relationship between them, researchers in Sobers lab studied the singing behavior of Bengalese finches.Lots of studies look at brain activity and how it relates to behaviors, but muscles are what translates the brains output into behavior, Sober said. We wanted to understand the physics and biomechanics of what a songbirds muscles are doing while singing.The researchers used an electromyography (EMG) machine to measure how the neural activity of the bird activates a vocal muscle to produce a particular sound. An EMG measures the electrical activity of muscle during rest, slight contraction and forceful contraction.More on Inspiration from Nature How Elephants Use Their Tails to Chase Away MosquitoesResearchers in the Emory lab created a 16-electrode prototype device for this purpose, but knew they would need to expand on it to get a fuller picture into how neural signals control muscle movement, Sober says. Still, their prototype device returned some interesting findings.In experiments using our prototype, we discovered that, just like in brain cells, precise spike timing patterns in muscle cells are critical for controlling behavior, in this case, breathing, Sober said.To create a more elaborate device, Emory researchers turned to engineering expertise. They recently teamed with engineers at Georgia Tech to create a device that can record electrical action potentials or spikes within the songbirds vocal muscles.The device will record populations of spikes from all of the muscles involved in controlling a complex behavior, said Muhannad Bakir, a professor in Georgia Techs School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.The de vice will give researchers access to the neural signals that control muscles, helping them investigate how the brain controls the body, Sober said.Bakirs team plans to create a micro-scale EMG sensor array, containing more than 1,000 electrodes, to record single-cellular data across many muscles.A complete understanding of how the brain operates on the cellular level may still be well in the future, but engineers are helping researchers take the steps needed to get there.Jean Thilmany is a freelance writer in St. Paul who frequently writes about engineering topics.Read More Exclusive Content from Using the Eyes of Killer Shrimp to Design a New Camera Artificial and 3D-Printed Skin Advances for Robots, Humans Tiny Gyroscope Aims to Improve Wearable, Nano TechnologyWhats missing is the technology to precisely record the electrical signals of the muscles that ultimately control movement. Samuel Sober, Emory Universit

Friday, December 13, 2019

Resignation Letter for Transfer Within the Same Company

Resignation Letter for Transfer Within the Same CompanyResignation Letter for Transfer Within the Same CompanyEven if youre moving from one stelle to another within the same company, as an employee, you have certain obligations to your employers. While policies might differ from organization to organization, handing in a resignation letter for transfer within the same company shows the level of professionalism, courtesy, and integrity that you want to exude.Reasons for a Resignation Letter for Transfer Within the Same CompanyWhenever you leave a position whether its to go elsewhere or to move within the organization you want to do it gracefully. You want to ensure all parties understand your intent and see your desire to make the transition as seamless as possible. This puts you in the best possible light as an employee, leaving the door open for even greater opportunities within the organization down the line.What You Need to DoBefore word hits the grapevine, tell your immediate s upervisor about your new opportunity. If the supervisor recommended you for the position, you should have already sent them a thank-you. But hearing the good news personally will mean a lot to them. Let the supervisor know how your experiences with the department made this move possible.The resignation letter for transfer within the same company should contain details like the date of departure, what will happen with pending projects, and the contact number at the new position. Also include a statement of appreciation to current management and colleagues for all their support.When writing a resignation letter for transfer within the same company, follow all the tenets of both business writing and resignation letters. Even though you may be familiar with all parties involved, keep it professional, simple, and polite. Stay away from any type of negative statement. Proofread it carefully for grammar and typos.Get the resignation letter out as soon as possible, at least within two days of the conversation with your supervisor. The decision to resign from any job can be emotional and disruptive, even within the same company. The responsible employee will use any recourse available, including the resignation letter for transfer within the same company, to minimize befhigung stress and encourage prospects of a better future and continued success for everyone.If youre considering changing jobs, take advantage of all the resources LiveCareer has to offer, like Resume Builder, a high-end resume creator that produces documents which promise to impress hiring managers. Related Articles Resignation Letter from Fulltime to PRNResignation Letters All You Need to RememberResponsibilities of the Back Office Executive

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Medical Assistant Resume Objective - What Is It?

Medical Assistant Resume Objective - What Is It? A health assistants most important responsibility is to offer patients with clinical and administrative aid. The very first senior medical assistant resume sample indicates the proper skills. Well, there are a number of soft and difficult skills worth including in your health care assistant resume. Its true you dont require a medical assistant program to find work. Many businesses find websites very hard and specialized tasks to be accomplished. Be certain to include any certifications youve got. Specialized tasks like familiarity with the operation of particular medical equipment may confer an extra advantage. If youre looking for Medical Assistant Resume Objective Samples youve come to the perfect location. Medical assistant is a significant portion of the medical fraternity. Virtual Assistants can at times be a little too presumptuous in regards to. The Basics of Medical Assistant Resume Objective There is a broad select ion of basic resume examples here and one will be proper for purpose. Knowing the abilities you will need to finish your duties is an amazing first step towards turning into a knowledgeable and knowledgeable medical assistant. Knowing the fundamental steps of writing a good resume does not signify you have to write alone. Remember that while enrolling in Certified Nursing Assistant classes on the internet can go quite a way toward your CNA license, some sections of your training has to be carried out in person. For the company, cover letter for medical assistant position will be applied as the very first tool if they picked the prospect for more review. The medical assistant job is competitive and thus you are in need of a good resume to enhance your odds of receiving an interview and nailing the job. Medical assistants have to be active listeners as a way to understand and accurately record patient problems and specifications. Tailor your healthcare assistant resume skills by highlighting abilities the specific job posting is searching for. Although resume objectives are getting more obsolete in favor of career summaries, in some specific conditions, it is logical to incorporate an objective. An objective is essential for several factors. Which is precisely why having a crystal clear objective is so essential for you as well as your prospective employer. Writing a resume objective has developed into developing a summary statement. As a medical assistant you would need to administrative along with clinical support in a healthcare setting. Moreover, in the event the hiring managers want to get experienced data clerk entry with a specific software program, mention that in your healthcare assistant resume, trying to be as specific as possible. As stated by the U. Medical assistants free a significant part of the health care industry as they provide essential support within healthcare facilities. As a medical assistant, youd be part of the health care team. Instead, tailor your objective specifically for the particular health-care business and job position youre applying for. Be sure you proof read before making the last copy. If you are supposed to shift from 1 industry to another or from 1 job specification to another job position, then your resume objective has to be flexible, especially if youre going to be considered for an entry-level position by the company in which you have applied. Medical assistants have to be well organized and equipped to multitask to cope with the quite a few responsibilities they face daily, including ordering laboratory tests, filing patient charts, scheduling appointments and contacting insurance businesses. You must sustain a liaison with the physicians, insurance businesses and other parties. A Startling Fact about Medical Assistant Resume Objective Uncovered The typical needs of the externship may change and depend upon the students attend. Help you apart from different professions incorp orate a health assistant. Hunting for fresh choices is among the fun events. however, it can as well be annoyed when we couldnt get the expected ideas. Top crafting a resume objective, you require objective think about more than that which you want from a job.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why Hard Work Isn#8217;t Enough to Succeed

Why Hard Work Isn8217t Enough to Succeed One of the most common messages I received as a child was, Work hard, and you will be rewarded. This sentiment was echoed by loved ones, teachers, and mentors. Theres a good chance you, too, heard the same rumor about life being ritterlich and equitable.Dont get me wrong Hard work is a critical component of success. However, the fact isthat theres more to it than just hard work. This can be a tough lesson to learn, especially for young professionals.Even the BestWorkers Dont Always Get RewardedIts not uncommon for a newly minted graduate to work harder than their colleagues do. They may even be smarter and contribute more new ideas. In some cases, they also save the company more money or generate more in sales.On the surface, it seems obvious Im smarter. I work longer hours. I produce more revenue. I should be paid more. Right?Not necessarily. At least, not yet.After working for one to two years at a job,manyyo ung professionals begin to feelfrustrated. They have proven themselves. Theyve worked long hours.And theyve figured out just how much more their lazy coworker makes than they do.So, the young graduatedoes what seems natural They ask their boss for a raise. Theyre shocked to learn that its not in the cards for them at least, not in the way they were hoping. Sadly, companies generally only give 2-4percent raises annually. This is oftenthe case even if youre a great employee. Your future pay ata company is almost always based on your current pay.Companies also want to ensure that employees have room to grow each year. If you receive the top pay available today, how will they incentivize you over the next five years? (Thats their reasoning, anyway.)Perception Counts Just as Much as RealityOften, your value is tied as much toperception as it is toreality. You may work hard at your desk for hours on end, but if no one knows about it, they wont know your true value. This perceived form of value is created through building relationships with your boss, upper management, and your colleagues.Your value may also be tied to how rare your skills are. How difficult is it to replace you? How many people are available who can also do the same work? The more unique your skills are, the better. If those unique skills also generate a lot ofrevenue for the company, youre even more likely to be perceived as irreplaceable.Just remember Putting in your dues is where its at. Keep in mind the valuable experience youre gaining. When you were in college, you would have gladly worked for free.After youve put in your time and are ready to move up, consider moving on. Even the best employees are lucky to receive small raises. An external move can sometimes increase your overall pay by more than 30 percent at one time.And when you do receive your next offer, use your negotiation skills to get the best start possible.A version of this article originally appeared onThe Memphis Daily News.An gela Copeland is a career coach and CEO at her firm, Copeland Coaching.