Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Your 90-Day Career Push

Your 90-Day Career Push As I write this post, there are less than 90 days until the end of 2016. The thought of another year being over is hard to wrap my head around. Where does the time go? I don’t know about you, but as I look over the first 9 months of the year, I am reminded of all of the things that I set out to do and have yet to start. There’s nothing you or I can do about spilled milk, right? As you look over your career goals for 2016, it’s time to evaluate what’s not accomplished before 2016 passes you by. The 90-60-30-day push series will give you the motivation to end the year just as motivated as you started. Repeat after me, “During the last 90 career days of 2016, I plan to….” Discover what I truly want. Millennials are very lucky. They have been told over and over again that they can live their purpose earlier than generations before them. And guess what? They’ve believed it. Now there’s millions of vibrant job seekers raging against the 9 to 5 machine. If you are not a millennial, you can still take on that belief system. Yes, we all need those jobs that pay the bills, however, it’s time to step out of the 9 to 5 tunnel to remind yourself that it’s possible to have a career that you love. Have you ever thought it was possible to not dread Mondays? Evaluate your many talents and rediscover what you set out to do when you entered the workforce to begin with. You’ll be amazed at what you find. Rekindle an old networking flame and make new ones. Remember those business cards you collected that you put into a drawer? Or, those LinkedIn profile connections you accepted and never cared to follow-up on? Well, now’s the time. When time has passed since your initial contact, you must start from scratch to build a rapport. For your business card contacts remind them where you first met and compose a simple check-in email. For LinkedIn connects, check out their profile and view any articles, videos, or publications they have listed and use that as your in. If the profile doesn’t have all the bells and whistles, find what you have in common in the industry and build from there. It only takes one message to lead to an awesome opportunity. Add some oomph to my personal branding package. Believe it or not, but trends change. What used to work in your job search may not work now and you must move with the tide. Step up your game! Review your past cover letter and résumé to give them a refresher. Eliminate passé trends like starting your résumé with an objective, lack of industry keywords, and non-ATS friendly templates. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, get one ASAP. It’s a 24/7 résumé that will give you exposure and reach a paper résumé cannot. If you’re going to do it, do it right. Enlist the right team of professionals if you have to and do the proper research.  As a result, you are able to secure a finished product you can be proud of. The smallest steps add up to make the biggest difference. These tasks will keep you busy before your next installment at 60 days. Remember, action and results breed motivation! Image credits Main     Connections     resume

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